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Keeping Australia on the Left – A Catamaran Odyssey Around Australia Dear Sue, Enclosed is an outline of the expedition I would very much like us to share. The pay is lousy, the work hard, and the hours un- #392 Softcover, 7- |
Keep Your Marine Diesel Running by Richard Thiel Written specifically for the non- #320 Softcover, 89 pp, 5" x 8 1/4", b&w illustrations …Eur 14,95 |
Keep Your Outboard Motor Running Care and Preventive Maintenance for the Boater by Richard Thiel This book was written specifically for the non- How an outboard motor works, including: ignition, cooling, fuel, lubrication and exhaust systems. #306 Softcover, 5" x 8 1/4", 77 pp, b&w photos and drawings …Eur 13,75 |
Kelsall Catamarans by Derek Kelsall This 40- #317 40 pp, drawings, color photos …Eur 17,00 |
Knots and Ropework by Eric C. Fry Usually the difficulty in learning to tie knots is that the demonstrator is facing you and the procedure is therefore being shown back to front. Here the reader sees the bights and tucks of each knot as though they were tying it, making the entire process clear and easy. This book demonstrates, stage by stage and in 323 photographs, the tying of thirty knots, nineteen rope splices, seven decorative knots and five wire splices, covering all the basic work that yachtsmen need to be familiar with, and at the same time acknowledging the artistry of Turk’s Head, crown knots and ocean mats. #464 Hardcover, 7” x 10”, 176 pp., many b&w photos …Eur 24,95 |