Bouwjr. Year |
L oa |
Slaappl. |
Fotos/ |
Ligplaats/Location |
Prijs/Price in Euros |
1999 |
6,7m |
4- |
95 |
N- |
17.450,= |
1981 |
8,3m |
4- |
122 |
N- |
bod gevraagd / or nearest offer 29.750,= |
1986 |
10,4m |
6- |
74 |
Friesland / N. Netherlands |
verkocht / sold /verkauft / vendu |
1991 |
11,6m |
6- |
118 |
Denemarken / Denmark |
bod gevraagd / or nearest offer 99.500,= |
2024 |
11,78m |
7 |
10 |
Polen / Poland |
± 360.000 + BTW/VAT |
1998- |
11,59m |
4- |
137 +10 |
Friesland / N. Netherlands |
49.950,= |
1992 |
16,95m |
5 |
88 |
N.W Duitsland / N.W. Germany |
verlaagd / reduced 350.000,= |
Slaappl. |
Fotos/ |
Prijs/Price in Euros |
2000+2024 |
8,3m |
2 |
62 |
Amsterdam / Netherlands |
verlaagd / reduced 47.750,= |
1976- |
13,70m |
8 |
86+126 |
Colombia |
60.000.= |
Slaappl. |
Fotos/ |
Ligplaats/Location |
Prijs/Price in Euros |
1991 |
8,0m |
4 |
77 |
Spanje / Spain |
38.500,= |
1998 |
8,0m |
4 |
73 |
Gelderland / Netherlands |
verkocht / sold /verkauft / vendu |
1990- |
8,5m |
2- |
30 |
N- |
verlaagd/reduced 8.500,= |
1983- |
10m |
4- |
19 |
Z- |
verlaagd/reduced 39.500,= |
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